I'm very curious whether there are some gifts that are more "looked down upon" than others?--Spiritual Gifts FAQs
I wonder, if sometimes evidence of the spiritual gift is not a person's actions or what they say/do, but the Holy Spirit manifesting in the context that they are in and around?--Spiritual Gifts FAQs
Spiritual Gift FAQ Blog Posts by Title and Date
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, spiritual gifts FAQs, understanding gifts, understanding spiritual gifts, understanding my spiritual gifts, frequently asked questions for spiritual gifts, common spiritual gifts questions, gifts vs job?, what does desiring the greater gifts mean?, 1 Corinthians 12:31, how to use my spiritual gifts
Some gifts seem to have overlap: Shepherding vs. exhortation, Teaching vs. knowledge?--Spiritual Gifts FAQ
When You Can’t Go Anywhere—How Might You Still Serve Others?
YOUR place in the church…
Shirley Giles Davisspiritual gifts, understanding my spiritual gifts, developing and using your gifts, God Gifts You, 1 Corinthians 12, Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:10, Your Unique Calling and Design, the body of christ, the church as the body of christ, be the church
How to Learn and Teach about Spiritual Gifts and Church Health
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Your Unique Design Course: Resources Available
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Spiritual Gifts Prayers, Part II
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Address “seasons of rest” when circumstances change but you aren’t doing as much.--Gifts FAQ
Shirley Giles Davisseasons of rest, Your Unique Design, Joseph and prison, Joseph and character development, Moses as shepherd, Moses and preparation, Elijah and rest, times of transition, God is sovereign, spiritual gifts
More on gift morphing at times?--Gifts FAQ
Will you explain more about spiritual gifts in vocation/job vs. within the body of Christ/church?--Gifts FAQ
1 Cor. 12:31--What does “desiring the greater gifts” mean?--Gifts FAQ
Shirley Giles Daviseagerly desire the greater gifts, 1 Corinthians 12, 1 Corinthians 13, yet some of you keep competing for so-called "important" parts, I want to lay out a far better way for you, gifts for the common good, I will show you the most excellent way, eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, prophecy vs tongues, gift of tongues, Your Unique Design
The Your Unique Design Facilitator Guide is NOW available on Amazon.com
What if my gifts sort of don’t avail me to a specific “job”? It seems to me more like just being a decent person and friend…--Gifts FAQ
How do I discern which opportunity to use my gifts in?--Gifts FAQ
Spiritual Gifts Prayers, Part I
Spiritual Gifts and Disability—Gifts FAQ
How Does Passion Fit into the Spiritual Gifts Journey?--Gifts FAQ